e-Business Card

eDataWare specializes in getting small businesses started on the Internet. There are many small business owners that know how to run their traditional businesses but are not sure why or even how to get involved with an online presence. The Internet has become a daily part of doing business and it has changed the way people find services and products. Don't miss out. Get your e-business card now.

The Small Business advantage:

Getting your business online

Get your business up and on the Internet for as low as $85 with an e-business card.

The e-Business Card Package includes:

Total Cost: $85


Consider this a "Business Card" hosting plan for those who want to get started today. This gives you a firm base to add additional pages or features as needed.

Ala Carte

Want to add a contact page with a feedback form? Add another page to further highlight your services? Maybe one page is all you need but you want a custom graphic on it. Add to the e-Business Card ala carte style now or later. Instead of the e-Business Card, you may want to look at our Small Business Package if you already know one page is not enough.

The following items can be added on at a set cost.

You can take your website beyond these offerings anytime. Check our Web Design Services for a listing of our complete services.


@ Home

Connecting to the world

Everybody is using email today. Whether it is for personal use or business, people have grown accustomed to the quick delivery of information and convenience it provides. That increases the chances your customers will call upon your services without getting side tracked in the process. Having your own company email address will add to your customers confidence when doing business with you. Let them know your @ home.

dub dub dub

Get your www

The Internet has to be considered when formulating a business strategy. It's obvious for the large corporations, but a small company may ask why for us? Technology has changed the way we live and conduct business. More and more people are using the Internet to find the services they once found by opening the Yellow Pages. Take the next step and start giving out your "dub dub dub."